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a close up of an alien head with glowing eyes

brutal trap mix brutal


a close-up of a robot with a blue light shining on its face. the robot's face in detail, and the lighting creates a dramatic effect. also includes a shot of the robot's back, which is covered in a metallic texture. the robot's face again, and the camera zooms in on the details of the robot's face. ends with a shot of the robot's back, which is covered in a metallic texture. overall, showcases the intricate details of a robot's face and back, highlighting the robot's unique design.




Date Created

May 19,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a close-up of a machine with blue lights flashing in the dark, and then a man is seen riding a motorcycle. ends with the man's face being shown.
Prompt 2: showcases a close-up of a futuristic machine with blue lights flashing around it. the camera then zooms out to reveal the entire machine, which is made up of several mechanical parts. the machine in action, with the camera capturing the movement of the parts. the machine is then shown from different angles, highlighting its intricate design and functionality. ends with a shot of the machine in action, showcasing its impressive capabilities. overall, provides a detailed and immersive experience of the machine's design and functioning.