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a close up of a robot with red glowing eyes

brutal trap mix brutal


a robot with red glowing eyes and a black metal mask, standing in the dark. the robot turns its head to the left and then back to the right. the camera zooms in on the robot's face, revealing its intricate details. the robot's movements are precise and calculated, indicating that it is a highly advanced machine. the red glowing eyes add a menacing and mysterious quality to the robot's appearance. the dark background further emphasizes the robot's imposing presence. showcases the robot's impressive technology and design, leaving the viewer in awe of its capabilities.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: showcases a man-made robot with red lights in its eyes and a scary face. the robot is surrounded by darkness, and the camera captures its every move as it turns its head to the left and back again. the robot's movements are precise and deliberate, and it appears to be on a mission. the darkness around it adds to the eerie atmosphere of overall, is a captivating display of robotics and technology.
Prompt 2: a robot with red eyes and black hair standing in front of a building. the robot is wearing a black and red outfit and has red eyes that are glowing. the robot is also wearing a black wig on its head. the robot is seen moving its head back and forth and staring at the camera. the robot is also seen standing in front of a mirror and looking at its reflection. ends with the robot standing still and staring at the camera.