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a close up of a robot with dreadlocks and glowing eyes

brutal trap mix brutal


showcases a robot with a creepy appearance, wearing a silver mask and standing in a dark room. the robot is made of metal and has a scary look on its face. the camera zooms in on the robot, and the robot turns its head to the side. the background of is blurry, but there is a light shining brightly in the background. the robot's face is the main focus of and the camera captures its every detail.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a robot with a skull-like face and a red light on its forehead. the robot is standing in front of a building with a lot of lights. the robot's face is made of metal and has a scary appearance. the robot seems to be staring at something, but it is unclear what it is staring at. the lighting is quite bright, with the robot being the main focus of the shot. overall, captures a moment of a robot's life, with a focus on its appearance and surroundings.
Prompt 2: showcases a robot with a skull face and red eyes. it appears to be a humanoid robot with a metallic body, and its face is painted with a skull design. the robot is positioned outside at night, and the camera captures its movements. the robot turns its head and stares at the camera, then moves its head back to face forward. the robot then turns its head to the left, and the camera follows it. the robot then turns its head to the right, and the camera follows it again. finally, the robot turns its head to the left, and the camera captures the robot's entire face. ends with the robot facing the camera once again.