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a close up of a robot with glowing red eyes

brutal trap mix brutal


a close-up of a robot's face with glowing red eyes and a mouth. the robot's face is made of metal and has a glowing red light in the middle of its forehead. the robot's face is the main focus of and it in various positions and angles. also includes a shot of a robot with a glowing red light in its eye. overall, showcases the robot's face in different positions and angles, with a focus on the glowing red light in the middle of its forehead.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a robot with a humanoid face and a black background. the robot is seen looking around, and a close-up shot of its face the robot's eyes are glowing red, and it appears to be in a factory setting. the robot is also seen moving around, and its hands appear to be metal claws. showcases the robot's movements in a factory setting.
Prompt 2: a robot with glowing red eyes and a black metal mask, which appears to be a futuristic-looking machine. the robot in various positions, including standing upright, sitting down, and laying on its side. also shows the robot with a red light on its face, and the robot is seen in different positions, including standing upright, sitting down, and laying on its side. is a visual representation of a robotic machine with a glowing red eye and a black metal mask.